“Uncover the white” is the attempt to cover white background so that the underneath white penetrates through. Uncover the white also is to white cover another color. As I paint, I figured out that the “Uncover the white” is the white covered for the blind. By the sense of feelings, “Uncover the white” is a sensitivity, the ability to touch not too strong, not to distress everything, only to leave signs of the strongest impressions on the surface; “Uncover the white” is the harshness – the weaker impressions are grayish or pure white, mercilessly unmarked. Lately, I paint abstract paintings where it is equally important to cover the observed color combination and preserve the white feeling of the picture. How can I discover the “motives” of paintings? The beginning of all the exhibited paintings – nature. I feel that wherever I am, there is always a good combination of colors, shapes, worthy of painting. To notice it requires attention and time. The most grateful time – morning or evening, by the day and night boundaries, it is easiest to notice less usual combinations. Then I paint a landscape. In the daytime, I settle the fragments of meadows, grasslands, mostly while painting I enhance them. If the motive is particularly strong – it can be purified in the minds, by anticipating the untouchable spots and succeeding in preserving the white areas of the canvas. Otherwise, I paint a few paintings on top of each other and I leave the original idea behind.